Every Pup has his day!

I recently photographed a wedding in Hamilton NJ that had as an active participant in the ceremony a very cute Pitbull named Petey. His job was to be the ring bearer and he performed his duties perfectly and on cue!
That got me thinking about all the other 4 legged friends I’ve encountered at weddings over the years.
While some like Petey have an important “paws-on” job to do at the wedding, others dress up for the occasion, give their support to the Bride or Groom and then stay home to protect their territory from any pesky squirrels!
Oh and let’s not forget the Cats also. They usually just stay home and mind their own business thank you very much! Even still, I usually manage to grab a few shots of them also.
So as a tribute to our pets, here is a small collection of photographs from my archives of the furry friends that I have encountered over the last few years.
Petey the Pitbull is the first in the series wearing the bow tie and appears again later laying by a door looking outside.
This last photo isn’t from a wedding, it’s my two dogs. Suki (4 year old) and Freckles (1 year old) playing in our yard. They would be upset if I didn’t include them in the selections!

Louis Schroder
Louis Schroder has been a full time Professional Wedding Photographer since 2000 covering all of New Jersey and NYC
All photographs by Louis Schroder