An album with an Oatmeal Natural Linen cover
Hey there, congrats again on getting married and thanks again for having me there to photograph it!
Please make sure to read everything on this page.
Use this form to Order your Wedding Album. You pick the photos and the rough order they will be in and I do the design. Take extra care in picking the first and last photos in the album, since those are “special spots” in the album. I will keep the order of images that you select the best I can, but at times for design purposes I may slightly switch the order of images to make everything fit well on the pages.
Albums Take about 2-3 months for delivery (there is a Rush option of 1 month available below). Make selections below and when finished click Submit, but make sure save/print a Copy of your order first in case I have questions or if something gets lost.
(Please Order your Album within 6 months of your wedding in order to avoid any surcharges due to cost increases in the Album production) Anything extra that you add to your album below that is not already included will be billed to you later after I review the order. Thank again!

Black Non-Leather Cover

Images are mounted on thick pages